Does Your Las Vegas Office Break Room Inspire Happiness?

Office Break Rooms in Las Vegas

If it doesn’t, it may be time to survey your employees for their opinions and create an office break room environment that supports employee happiness. You might be wondering why it’s important for Las Vegas employers to focus on improving employee happiness especially while at work. The answer is increased productivity. A 2015 study performed by researchers at The University of Warwick in England found that when employees experienced an event that caused a boost in happiness, productivity also increased.

Before jumping in and making changes, consider who your current employees are as one out of three employees today are Millennials or individuals between the ages of 18 and 34. Traditional employee benefits do not impact Millennials in the same way as they did for previous generations. Las Vegas employers need to create and offer new employee benefits that will trigger a happiness boost for Millennials.

The following are a few suggestions for designing an office break room that will inspire happiness in Millennials.

The “New” Coffee Experience
  • Purchase coffee beans from sustainable and fair-trade organizations, and seek out local coffee roasters
  • Create a coffee service that encourages employees to create “individualized” beverages with espresso-based specialty drinks and a variety of teas
  • Include non-dairy milk and sugar alternatives with the regular creamers and sugar

Office Break Rooms in Las Vegas

Eco-Friendly Practices
  • Place paper and plastic recycling receptacles around the office and in the office break room to encourage recycling
  • Use updated vending machine technology that is Energy Star rated and uses LED lighting for reduced energy consumption
  • Offer filtered water to ensure your employees stay hydrated and have access to great tasting water
An Indoor Green Space
  • Encourage employees to bring in plants for their individual workspaces
  • Create break room spaces that bring the outdoors in, or if windows don’t overlook a green space, use live plants to decorate the space
  • Encourage employees to have outside walking meetings and to go for short walks outdoors during the day for mental health breaks

Small changes make a difference. Each one of these benefits by itself not only increases employee happiness but also improves employee morale and productivity. Start now and commit to improving your Las Vegas employees’ happiness in 2018.

Whether you want to update your current coffee service, or completely change your office break room and create the ultimate break room, First Class Coffee Service can help. For more information, contact us at 702-597-9999. We’d love to help create a happiness boost for your employees.